Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I have no idea how we got here. After just a few months sharing a room, these girls are so used to each other and comfortable that most nights, bedtime is the easiest part of the day. I wish I could take credit, that I had some master plan that worked to a T. But in fact, I think it's mostly luck and a true testament to their matching personalities. It's during these little moments that I see their chemistry and the way they are making memories together.  Every night now we get teeth brushed and then head to their room to get beds ready and pjs on. Carolina will sometimes stand in her crib while I rush around preparing the room for bed (blinds down, noise machine on, windows cracked to counteract the heat blasting out of the radiators).  But she gets increasingly vocal standing there looking at Elisa lying in bed and finally I have to pick her up and let her roll around on her sister's bed for a few minutes. There are lots of hugs and body slams. Carolina is such an affectionate child and it's so touching to see her love her sister this way. And Elisa just lights up when she makes contact with her. I usually have to pry them apart after a few minutes because it's time for lights out. And that's when I let Carolina lean in for one last kiss.

Then off to the crib Carolina goes and I give her some milk while we all get used to the dark. Elisa is such a trouper about not talking during this part. I don't know why, but it's rarely been a problem and for that, I am grateful.  I take my cue to leave when Carolina finishes her milk or pulls away and then I turn and leave. And most of the time lately, I don't have to come back in. There's some toddler ranting occasionally and a little whining, but not the kind of are-you-there-mom? crying that we were getting a few months back. And I think that's largely because she knows Elisa is in the room with her. My decision to leave the crib and bed opposite each other and not hide them from one another was a good one.  The bedtime routine is done with little anxiety and no skulking out.  It's actually almost painless. And again, I have no idea how exactly this happened. But I know that all the steps were little ones--tiny adjustments based on temperament and developmental stages--and in the end, we are just where I hoped we'd be by this age. It makes my heart so full so see the rapport these girls have and to know that theirs is a sisterly bond I've never had to explain. They just know. And I know. Because I had that too.

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