I used to think that if kids could just be born at 12 months, life would be a lot easier. And more fun. And in a way, I still think that. But sometimes, when I see the nutty little girl Elisa has become, I'm glad I saw it all from Day 1. That way, at least, I know she wasn't alien spawn. Nope. She's all ours. All that razza-ma-tazz...all that sass. She told Nacho yesterday that the music was "too loud" and she couldn't hear him. (And she was right). After a particularly robust tussle with Papa, she said "that was close!" which prompted many laughs. She also spent the better part of the day singing songs she made up on the spot. For a while, we took turns singing a line about whatever we were doing/thinking and she seemed very pleased by my ad lib skills. But by far, her lines were the best. Here she is with Grandma in the kitchen on Sunday night getting ready for the Superbowl chilifest...

It's not hard to see all that personality come through even in her photos. When I joke about having another Leo, I really wonder how different her sibling will be because two natural entertainers vying for attention from the same people seems like a disaster waiting to happen. But I guess we'll see. If we can convince Elisa she's starring in the role of Big Sister perhaps we can make that feel like a choicer role. Am I becoming a director now? Is that how I should approach my life? Do we get multiple takes to get things right? Hmmm...lots to think about, but right now my little star is definitely shining bright.
It's getting to be so much more fun, isn't it??
She looks so grown up!!! I can't stand it! Love the pig tails and the Elmo shirt!
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