I'm having a bit of deja vu this week, not only because of pregnancy-related issues, but because exactly one year ago we returned from a week long trip to Spain and my mom came to NYC for a visit. Only this year, she brought dad along. So we woke up on our first day back to both grandparents arriving for a long weekend and it was the perfect way to snap back into things. Elisa wasn't fazed in the slightest with her visitors and she adjusted to the jet lag beautifully. The first morning back she woke around 6 a.m. and by the second day we were closer to our normal 7 a.m. wake up. That's more like it. I think some of my nausea and fatigue has been creeping away just like it came 9 weeks ago, so that was another welcome change. The chance to have some grandma/grandpa time during this long, snowy winter couldn't have come at a better time. Here's Elisa cooking for Grandma...

I wish I had more photos of our wonderful meals together or our jaunts into the city. But things were so mellow and easy going that I barely took the camera out. It was nice to just regroup and spend some time with them both in our home. Elisa can really put on a show in her own environment and I think with all that she's doing and saying these days, mom and dad both really enjoyed their time with us. I know I did. Now we have to find some time this spring for a little trip to North Carolina. With the temps down there averaging 20-30 degrees warmer than here, I doubt it will be long before we're heading down.
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