Monday, February 14, 2011

My sweet Valentine

Today marks the one year anniversary of the photo-a-day blog I started with my friend Maggie called Everyday Snapshots. When she first proposed the idea, I thought it sounded like a fun challenge and a good way to test my new camera and my skills as an amateur photographer. Photography is something I've been passionate about since the days in high school I spent hiding out in the dark room, taking hours and hours to perfect my developing and printing techniques. I also had a new life to document as a stay at home mom and a little girl who was learning every day to enjoy the world, and especially our city, with more and more enthusiasm. We traveled the country and played at home. We took music classes and ran around outside. And all of this was documented through the photo blog. Every single day. Many times I found that just trying to imagine the "photo of the day" was a way of seeing things differently--boiling the day down to its most elemental parts. And now a year later, I'm really proud of the work that went into that creation.
It reminds me of a popular phrase of parenting that says "The days are long, but the years are short." Each day was a challenge and some days I was so tired and spent that I didn't care what photo went up. But just showing up was a triumph in a way. It kept things moving forward. And like being a stay at home mom with no days off, no vacation, and no sick days, sometimes just showing up is the hardest part. Keeping the momentum going can be so draining and yet, that's the thing that rewards me most--seeing the days add up to years, counting the new phrases and expressions learned, and trusting that tomorrow will bring even more adventures.

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