Sunday, October 26, 2008

Learning to sleep

I'll start by mentioning how wonderful it is to get 4 hours of sleep in a row these last few mornings. But of course that's only half the story--they all seem to happen somewhere between 3-4am til 7-8am! Not exactly the time of night I was hoping for our big stretch. Elisa has calmed down quite a bit since her 2 weeks of continual gas and fussiness in North Carolina, but now she seems to regard the wee small hours of the morning as her best time. She just WON'T fall asleep.

Take for example our evening last night. After her 11pm feeding, she slept from 12:20am until 2:45am. Then she ate and wanted to stay up until almost 5am. From 5am she slept through until 9:20am. I suppose this would be okay if didn't view 3-5am as prime hours for my own sleep. But somehow, knowing I might get to sleep in til 9am is completely undermined when you are rocking a wide awake baby at 4:30 in the morning. I guess this will all work its way out eventually, but waiting is beginning to wear me out. Of course, seeing her face smiling at me every morning and those playful times on her blanket (see above) make up for all the inconvenience. Or at least that's what I tell myself in the middle of the night.

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