Friday, March 2, 2018

Vegas to NYC

Waking up in Vegas after our last slog from Zion back to civilization was a welcome change. The temps weren't warm enough to merit a dip in Karen's pool, but the views sure perked me up. The girls consider Karen a surrogate grandma and she definitely acts like one. She indulged their need to show off new games on their tablets and she encouraged us to spend the day taking the girls to Circus Circus on the Strip which is like a glorified Chuck E Cheese done Vegas-style. How could we say no? So off we went and really the day went pretty well. The girls ran amok jumping on rides and having fun and Nacho and I mostly just sat back and watched with amusement. We let them play a couple of carnival games and of course, it didn't end with the desired outcome. Carolina threw the ping pong ball straight into the spinning bowl and Elisa--try as she might--just couldn't get it in. Nacho tried. I tried. And no luck. Carolina walked away with a stuffed animal ("medium-sized" no less) but all Elisa got was a whole lotta anger. She sobbed and she stomped and she basically spent the next 30 minutes making all of us very unhappy too. Misery loves company, no? I tried to distract her and move on and at that same time give her one more chance, but there was no guarantee. Just as we managed to move her forward, she would snap back to being angry and upset. It was a rough cycle and it took us dividing up and letting her wallow in it, before she found her way back. At first she tried to be mad at Carolina, but I wasn't having that. Poor thing did everything she could think of to appease her sister. She even offered for her to share the animal. Hell, she tried to give it to her at one point. But that wasn't the point. Sometimes life isn't fair and nowhere is that more apparent that luck-starved Vegas...

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