Sunday, March 4, 2018

When Irish Eyes Are Smiling

This year's St. Pat's for All parade felt a little emptier than usual. I don't know if it was the chilly temps or just the fact that every year it seems to be earlier, but the crowds were pretty sparse. We missed the opening speakers which included Kirsten Gillibrand our U.S. Senator from New York, but we made it down to our usual spot around 47th Street to with plenty of time before the parade kicked off. We coordinated with Carmen and Amanda to watch the festivities together and the kids giggled as the "man skirts" bagpiped their way down Skillman Ave. There was also a lot of smiling and waving at friends who marched. Our babysitter Dorothy proudly carried the flag for the Girl Scouts and Kira made all kinds of funny faces as she tried to get Carolina's attention. The political action group SWAG was smaller this year, but the politicians were still out in force. When Tish James heard Amanda yell out "Tish for MAYOR!" she joked that was "Letitia JAMESON!" Yes, the Irish connections are important for this particular day in Sunnyside. But they're not hard to find. As things were winding up, we even found our favorite Irish Olive and Johnny, representing both Dublin and Belfast. I mean, how much more Irish does it get? Later, we found Irene and headed back to our place inviting Kristin and Patrick too. It was a nice chill afternoon letting the kids go crazy and we polished off some Entenmann's green-sprinkled donuts and Target green-sprinkled sugar cookies and called it a day. A nice kick off to the rest of March and a warm up for the real wearing of the green in two weeks!

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