Friday, September 15, 2017

Evening Out

Between world events like Hurricanes Harvey and Irma hitting Texas and Florida and this disastrous presidency, I'm feeling a little tense these days. Add the start of school and now homework and yes, things are sometimes a bit more than I can manage in a day. It doesn't help that with these new routines, Elisa has started up again. We are in a never ending battle to get from 4-8pm without arguing. So far, I'm losing. So I've once again turned to baking and oddly making slime (so sticky, so squishy) to help relieve some stress. We are plugging ahead with some more odds and ends to help Elisa out, but they will require time and right now I'm just feeling a bit impatient. It was great to have a few phone calls with friends to hear other perspectives on parenting kids with different learning abilities to know I'm not alone in chasing down some answers. Also, having a drop-off birthday party/impromptu happy hour with Nacho helped too. 
The next day we had the park's annual Yard Sale with some great coffee from Brookside Market!
I didn't buy much (except all of Manuela's jewelry for the girls) and I managed to squeeze in a meet & greet with Rep. Joe Crowley led by SWAG host Kristin Burns. Go K!
A late invite to Tania's for dinner and lots of board game fun was just what I needed to round out the day with friends
Carolina naturally came down with something the next day, but it turned out not to be strep...only rest required and a few days home from school. Sigh
The week also included a primary election for mayor (go DeBlasio) and a haircut/color to perk me up and yes, more baking...
Since we've been planning our NC beach week for a few months now, I knew we'd be trying to leave this weekend to get there in preparation. But at the last minute, flights on Friday night weren't looking good. And then Nacho took a trip that would put him back that evening as well. So I made the executive decision to postpone our travel until Saturday morning. Which meant we would have time to make it to Spanish class AND catch the first AOC event of the year--movie night with Despicable Me 3. The girls were fully onboard with that change in plans and since pajamas were encouraged they spent the better part of Thursday evening picking out their clothes. And eye masks. And slippers. I packed it all up and whisked them off for a fun evening hanging out in the gym with a few dozen friends. Tomorrow we're off so glad we got to kick start the weekend with a fun night. 

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