Saturday, August 23, 2014

Summer bucket list

Today we managed to cross off another item from my Summer 2014 Bucket List. We made it to Astoria Pool for the first time ever and it was worth the wait. Going on an overcast day at the end of summer probably explained the lack of crowds but seriously, it wasn't nearly as intimidating as I thought it would be. The prison-like atmosphere some people describe wasn't apparent and the locker room attendants were nice and helpful. We had our lock and most of the no-go items already stashed in the car, so it was fine. Really. I wish I'd gone sooner. The girls managed to enjoy the slightly chilly waters for a bit and even I made it in to swim. Of course, the sun didn't come out until we were dried off and heading over to the party on the park grounds. But that was okay. The kids played and ate, colored their gift bags and watched a nearby Aztec ritual dance. It was a beautiful day to be out in the summer and I was happy to spend time drinking it all in. We decided post-party to return to the second session of the pool (from 3-4 p.m. they shut down for cleaning). That time around, the sun was out and the dark clouds that had formed to the East kept on moving. It was all going to work out, and indeed it did. The summer has a few more surprises in store for us, I can feel it. Tomorrow we're planning our season's first visit to Coney Island--another bucket list item. Better late than never, I suppose. Off we go!

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