Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Artsy stuff

Almost forgot about this post sitting around waiting to see the light of day. These were little bits of things Elisa has made at home or school. They had an art auction before the last day of class and Elisa was honored with two pieces hanging in it. I liked the concept, but was a bit disappointed that not all the kids had something represented. I don't think that made a lot of sense in such a small school and there had to be parents showing up that were a little confused and upset to not see their kid's work. But anyway, the idea was a nice one. I think we managed to "win" one of her pieces which was a butterfly.  Now I just need to get some paint up on her walls and hang some of these little nuggets. This summer should bring a redo of Elisa and Carolina's bedroom once our crumbling wall is fixed. So hopefully, we can incorporate some of their artwork to spruce the place up a bit.  Ms. Judy, the Art teacher, was a real guiding force for Elisa this year and I think she will definitely miss her next year since she's off to greener pastures. Hopefully, we continue to see Elisa expressing herself through her art. It was one of her best subjects along with choir and PE. But more on that report card soon...

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