Saturday, August 31, 2013

Catching up

I don't usually like to backtrack too much on this blog. It's something I realized within the first year or two of keeping it--that I like to plow straight ahead and post quickly. If too much time passes after an event or milestone, it can be hard for me to summon the writing mojo. Fortunately, that hasn't been a big problem and I would say most of the ideas I have or special events I snap get featured here.  It probably harkens back to my journal keeping days in grade school and beyond that I love the chronology of it all--the way the days and months and years stack up with such a linear progression. The orderliness which is so lacking in other parts of my life just makes sense here. I don't question it. But needless to say, with all the birthday hoopla hitting just before our three-week vacation, things on the blog got a bit neglected. I was hoping to catch up while in Spain, but again, I chose to sleep and eat and lay around. Not a bad way to watch the end of summer go by, but now I'm wishing I'd done a little more writing.  So before I forget about a few special trips (Central Park Zoo, Science Center minigolf and Socrates Sculpture Park), I'll start with the other August 2nd birthday girl, Birdie, and her party at the park the weekend before we skipped town.
I realized as I was planning our first full-fledged birthday in the park extravaganza that it was going to take a lot of organizing effort. I weighed lots of menu options, bought decorations and the requisite food, and finally came up with an invite and party favors that I thought covered all my bases. And it all went off without a hitch, but man, was it tiring. Let's just say it gave me a new appreciation for all the parties we stroll up to and just enjoy.  And since Birdie's was the very next day after ours, I was especially thankful to just sit back and have a beer and some delicious chicken wings. There was a magician with face painting and the necessary balloon twisting (and popping) that kept the kids' attention and left us free to mill about catching up. I enjoyed seeing Carolina gravitate to the older kids and stay somewhat contained in the party, which doesn't usually happen.  The tasty and beautiful Hello Kitty birthday cake Amanda labored over was a definite highlight of the party, as were the homemade kettle corn party favors we received on the way out.  It was fun and simple, and most of all, delicious which is what every party should be. All told, it was a nice afternoon shared with good friends and a great way to leave town on a high note.

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