Sunday, August 4, 2013

August girls

In the big scheme of things, I suppose having two girls born almost exactly three years apart in August was a birthday coup. They have only two weeks between their special days which means I can cut a few corners and do a birthday bonanza for both at the same time--at least for now. So this year, with our Spanish vacation imminent, we decided to celebrate them together last Friday night at SGP on Carolina's actual birthday. It was a great evening, the last of our summer season, eating and drinking with all of our nearest and dearest friends in the neighborhood. Of course, the morning started out with the usual table full of presents and streamers. That's become our default birthday plan. And the girls were barely awake (or dressed) when they dove into the pile of presents...
After an afternoon of swimming, it was time for lunch and a rest to get ready for the party later that night. We lucked out having their birthday festivities the same night as the free Shakespeare in the Park play at SGP. So instead of clowns, I told Elisa she had actors and a stage and all the drama she could hope for (it was The Tempest).  I think she was slightly bummed not to get the same fun magic show or silly clowning around that she´d seen at other parties. But hey, at nearly 5, she´s still pretty easily entertained, and I promised if she didn´t have fun she could get her money back.  Yeah right.  The kids roamed all over the place, finally settling on the field to watch the theatre company put up their stage. It was slightly more fun than watching paint dry, but seriously, these kids will do anything if the others go first.
By the end of the night, we had enjoyed lots of good food, good friends and plenty of sweet moments with the girls. Carolina was particularly affectionate for a few minutes that left me enjoying all that is innocent and pure about this age. She is so easy to enjoy when she´s happy. But watch out when she´s not, because that temper is growing and learning all sorts of new tricks.  She has learned so much from her big sister and in just two short years I am left to wonder how much faster life can go. She is speaking with more clarity every day and finding her own way without needing much help at all. She is my big little girl and I keep having to remind myself that she´s only two. Elisa on the other hand is a girl in transition. She is almost a big kid, but she still has the emotional turbulence of a little girl sometimes. She can be so rational and sweet and then turn on a dime. It´s amazing to hear her say how much she loves me as she gives me a cuddle, and then scream at me or tell me I´m lying when she can´t find something the next minute. It drives me more crazy to see how far we´ve come with her and then be forced back to Crazytown. I´m really hoping that with Kindergarten starting later this month, she will finally have the kind of all day stimulation that she needs. I think we both need the break. But before that, we´re off to Spain to enjoy our last few weeks of summer with the familia and soak up all the sunshine and cool waters of Encinar. The party was a great send off and I know we miss everyone already.

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