Thursday, August 1, 2013

Birthday party blitz!

T minus 1 day and counting until our big birthday blowout in the park. When I realized that Hip to Hip Theatre Co. was putting on their Shakespeare in the Park at Sunnyside Gardens on the night of Carolina's birthday, I thought what better way to honor these two drama queens than with a lively celebration among friends in the open air. Considering the venue and entertainment were an easy choice, I really just had to focus on the food and everything seems to be well under control at the moment. After spending a good part of the last week buying party supplies, I can confirm the cake is ordered, the cupcakes made and the Italian deli selection mostly planned out.  Of course, that doesn't count the mini-celebration we're having in the morning at home with presents and streamers.  Oh, the fun of buying twice the amount of gifts so we can make sure to have Elisa's big moment before heading off to Spain on Monday night.  Yes, it's beginning to feel like Christmas in August.  Am I really sure I'd do this again? Hmmmm...don't ask me right now. But it does feel like I have the luxury of time right now and that's a huge help when planning a party. So we'll see how the night goes tomorrow, but as of right now, I feel like I should be able to get there in the afternoon and have everything set up so I can sit back and enjoy it. Let's hope so!

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