Friday, September 21, 2012

Warp speed

It feels like since we returned from Spain earlier this month everything with Carolina has been happening at warp speed. First, she started toddling around, then outright walking. She began climbing up on the beds and couch, and now she can easily pivot herself around and get down on her own too. She is babbling and communicating with such fervor that there are times I'm sure she thinks she is actually talking. It's funny and sweet and frustrating (for her) all at the same time. The patient, quiet baby girl is swiftly giving way to the opinionated, in-your-face toddler that wants what she wants when she wants it. Considering how many months I've had to anticipate this change, it still surprises me. I knew something was coming, but even so, the newness of Carolina's physical abilities and independence is shocking. She is so quickly catching up to her big sister, I almost expect to hear them chatting away one afternoon. I know people say that younger siblings are quick to imitate and do things faster, but this is hard to believe until you see it. And now I am.  Most mornings I find her on the couch slumped next to her sister holding her own bottle chugging happily away. It's a wonderful sight and yet, I have to acknowledge that she is no longer a baby. She is officially in toddlerdom and even her sleep routines are becoming redefined.  She still naps twice a day, but she doesn't drink the same amounts of milk as before.  And when she is done drinking, she just rolls over and shoos me away. No more paci, no more closing eyes while she drinks. She is a big kid now. And I'm trying hard to keep up.

Here's a little peek into Carolina's world...13 months and growing.

1 comment:

Jen Riley Stone said...

Love this! It's a little deja vu getting to see what's coming up for mine through Carolina. I got to do the same (hell, I am doing the same now still) with Norah through Elisa. Thank you for sharing!