Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011! Happy 2012!

I tried explaining a bit about New Year's Eve to Elisa today, but I don't think much of it sunk in. Mostly she liked the idea that she would be turning 4 this new year. I think that got her attention. Everyone likes getting older at that age, right? So the idea of a New Year's Eve party was a bit lost on this girl but cool numbered glasses are always in. We met a few friends early in the evening for a get together and then headed home to say good night to the last night of 2011. It was a big year for us. Another member joined our little family. We have a lot to be thankful for and then some. When we stayed up to watch the ball drop last year, I had that cautiously optimistic feeling that only pregnancy provides. So much excitement tinged with so much anticipation. Who would be greeting us in 2011? A girl? A boy? We could only dream that whoever it was would be healthy and happy and we lucked out on both accounts. Carolina has brought us so much happiness in just 5 months of knowing her and she has forever changed me as a mom. So much of my identity these past few years has been "Elisa's mom" which suited me very well. But this year I found out there was more. More of me as a mom. More of me as a woman capable of giving life to someone new. It's pretty amazing when you see any baby born, but the way Carolina greeted us was nothing short of a miracle in my book. She was and has been such a gentle force in our lives. And even tonight she sat back taking it all in as the kids shrieked and ran, laughed and played and yes, fought. I'm so lucky to have the yin to Elisa's yang. And that's what I hope for more of in 2012. More balance as a person, and as a family. More time for each of us, and for myself. More time for my wonderful friends who have really enriched my life in ways I could not have anticipated. I'm one lucky mama, and I know it. So to everyone in Blogland, I wish you the same...a very happy New Year and maybe more sleep. Yeah, that sounds good.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Happy New Year! Excited to see what this year brings for all of you! Good things and happiness I pray! Love you!