Sunday, December 11, 2011

Feelin' the Christmas Spirit...

Last year about this time I'd just found out I was pregnant and we had a family photo shoot scheduled. It was the last time we'd take a formal portrait of the three of us and knowing that was extra special. The holidays were a bit melancholy though with me slipping into that first trimester blah feeling, Nacho working a lot and then the massive amounts of snow we received. It was all piling up on me and I almost felt like January couldn't break through the doldrums of my post-holiday malaise. Now it's that time of year again and there's always so much activity at the start of the month that it's easy to embrace the Christmas spirit. We had a brief visit from my parents last week before they headed off to see my sister's family in California. In about a week, they'll return and stay with us for the holidays which is great because I have no energy to drag two kids through airports and back right now. December always feels coziest when you can curl up at home and have everyone come to you. So far we've trimmed our (real) tree and helped trim our friend Dan's (fake) tree which after several years in a row is another holiday tradition I look forward to. We have a preschool holiday party coming up, a trip to the Big Apple Circus with some of our playgroup friends, and another weekend of get togethers as we inch ever closer to Christmas. There's still a lot of shopping and wrapping to do before we can call this month a success, but so far I'm excited about seeing Elisa discover more meaning in the holidays and sharing this for the first time with Carolina who will probably only want to chew on the ribbons if she's anything like her sister was. And this photo perfectly captures all that we are right now--a family that can hold two wonderful girls on our laps and manage to smile despite the blinding flash. Good times, indeed.

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