Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The blah, blah, blahs

If the books are right and the appearance of "personality" seems to begin around this time, we are in for quite an entertainer. Elisa has a killer deadpan expression as we've already discovered last month with her grandma game. And so far this month, she seems to be honing in on the noises we all make talking and imitating them to the hilt. The blah, blah, blahs as I like to call them are pretty funny to watch. She started this one night when I was walking around with her trying to get her to sleep. I'm sure my uncontrollable laughing wasn't helping calm her down and the wicked little grin she gave me was a clue that she got it--she was MAKING me laugh. This only egged her on and I found myself crying and shaking with waves of laughter until I had to bring her out into the living room and show Nacho. She hasn't reproduced the same string of blah, blah, blahs, but this snippet is close. Of course it was early morning and she wasn't in true form but she still steals the show.


Jill said...

ann - why do you get a southern accent when you talk to elisa?

she's a cutie!


Ann Price said...

I don't hear southern...maybe it's just my babytalk twang?