Monday, February 9, 2009

Solid ground

In anticipation of nearing the 6 month mark in February, I decided it was time to get better feel for the whole solid food thing. For about a month now, Elisa has taken rice cereal with 2 meals a day and seems to be loving that. Surprisingly, it hasn't been too "binding" to put it gently and there have been no weird sleep problems or tummy issues accompanying this foray into the world of real food. So, while abuela is visiting I thought it would be cool to try some verduras and see which ones Elisa likes best. Luckily my phone-a-mom friend Maggie was on-call while I shopped at Babies-R-Us last week when I got the sudden urge to buy a ton of Gerber Organics. I felt somehow guilty about buying the prepared food when I should have time to steam, puree and freeze things, right? Yet something about the newness of it all seemed a little overwhelming so the $1.27 price tag eased my mind and I started with some foods I thought she would like. To date, we have only tried the squash but the results were positive--this kid is a born eater, as my mom likes to say.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Yummy squash. Glad to hear it's all working out!