Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Giving thanks

As I've often remarked, Elisa has a knack for timing things just so. It's like she knows when she needs to come through in a pinch. And so just in time for Thanksgiving this week, she has made our lives all that much more thankful: she's actually slept through the night! Yes, last week on our journey to North Carolina, we had our first 9 hour night. Nine hours of solid sleep! It was pretty unbelievable. Of course, I woke up almost hourly just out of habit, but rolling over and dozing some more was so nice.

While we're not sure exactly what prompted it, the best guess is a combination of her new formula (Nutramigen) and reflux meds (first Zantac and now Prevacid) and possibly the magic 3 month mark. Because the first night coincided with a long day of air travel, during which Elisa was curiously wide awake, I was convinced it was a fluke. But after two more nights of 8 hours each, it seemed like we had a different baby all together. Backtracking slightly to the 4 and 5 hour stretches with a feeding in the middle of the night wasn't the best feeling, but it's still such an improvement over a few weeks ago that I'll take it.

What we still don't know is why one medicine helps one aspect of her reflux (the spitting up and croaking noise) and the other seems to cure her stuffy snorting and sleeping problems. It doesn't seem like we should have to choose between these symptoms. Luckily we are getting her into a pediatric GI doc next week, so maybe part of this mystery will be solved. In the meantime, we're just happy to have all of us together in one place for our first Thanksgiving as a family. Bringing Elisa into this world and seeing her develop these first few months has been such an eye-opening experience. Every day there is something new to be amazed by and it helps get you through the hard times and long, sleepless nights. I don't think there is much about these months I would repeat, but then it has given me a new perspective on surviving one day at a time...and looking forward to the next.

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