Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Linden Lions Roar

Today was Carolina's 2nd grade promotion at Linden Avenue School. It was the kind of sweet affair that makes parents a little teary-eyed and kids really ready to jump around and let off some of that excitement. Fortunately, there was time for both as they took to the stage to sing a few songs, then watch a slide show where each kid had their baby photo featured next to a current pic. Having just moved here this year, it was a nice way to catch up on the first 3 years of their little lives. All those faces blossomed into the kids I've met now. And Carolina has blended so seamlessly into the fabric that sometimes I think even she forgets she wasn't always here. Of course, we've had our share of nerves and tears too. Like the other night when we received her notification for next year's classroom. She was anxiously awaiting news of her friends' assignments. I dutifully texted all the moms I knew and waited. Nothing. None of her new friends were in her class. Oh the tears! I tried consoling her with logic and with the idea that there were new friends to be made. But that was not helping. She went to bed sobbing that she just wanted one kid from her current class to be in there with her next year. Then came word that one of her friends who is already on vacation is in fact in her class next year. Salvation! We woke to a much happier girl and Move Up Day 2019 went off without a hitch. 

So seeing her have a day today just to celebrate what she's achieved so far was really nice. Linden put on a good show and the party afterwards was way better than any elementary send off I've ever received. They had an Italian ice truck, DJ and photo booth. The parents and teachers mixed and kids ran around the Learning Garden feeling every bit of their almost 3rd grade selves. Carolina really hammed it up for the photos and I enjoyed watching her be so social and so at ease. Hopefully the future holds more of the same. My sweet girl deserves it and I know she will do well next year at the big school with Elisa. Onward!

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