Sunday, April 9, 2017

Easter in the park

Easter this year falls during the middle of Spring Break, so the Sunnyside Gardens Park Egg Hunt happened the Saturday before just in time to kick off the week and bring folks out for a little hunting on a sunny day. The weather was actually a welcome change from the rain of the previous few days. It left the newly seeded field a bit mucky, but nothing too terrible so we opted to let the kids roam free. The event always kicks off our year and last year's was a real success if I was a bit wound up. This time I tried to let go of the details and just stay focused on my little photo booth and that was fun. We sprang for a bunny costume which I hope will be in use for many years to come. Finding volunteers to wear it wasn't too hard since we conned a few spouses, including Nacho, into doing an hour each. And voila! We had polaroids to give away along with little foam frames and the whole thing was a new twist on an old favorite. My girls jumped in once they realized it was Papa in there and so the smiles were especially happy. They loved being in on the secret and didn't care too much that it was just a guy in a costume. Their love of the real Easter Bunny went unchanged. And so we handed out candy and spent the day testing out our event mojo. Definitely a few kinks to work out moving forward (those shed outlets have to get fixed!) but all in all, a good day and a nice change to see so many friends at the park. Now on to Easter and the real loot!

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