Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Halloween Fatigue

Halloween 2016 was perfectly mild in every way. There were no big tantrums getting out of the house. The temperatures hovered in the mid-50s which meant light jackets were fine.  And since Nacho was working that night, I pretty much decided from the get-go to make it a stress-free night. It was a Monday night after all. And to be honest, we'd already been dressing up for a freakin' week. First there was the dress up party at gymnastics last Monday, then dance classes on Tues/Thurs were halloween themed. Then there was the Fall Festival at AOC last Friday night followed by--you guessed it--another Halloween party in the park. So pardon me if I was a little over Halloween this year. I mean, it's still the best night for kids (second maybe to Christmas), but the mood was one of slight resignation. Okay, let's trick-or-treat and then go hang out with our friends to eat and pass out candy. And the girls seemed to agree. We barely made it down 47th Street and some of 46th before they were done. So there you go. The candy monsters were satiated. I had no complaints.
Clearly the winners of the Best Family Costume Award for their Stranger Things costumes

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