Tuesday, September 6, 2016

On the mend

Nacho landed on Sunday morning just in time to make it home and nap til 1pm while the girls got up and showered. Washing the sick off was a really just symbolic since they'd been feeling better (and acting worse--a sure sign of health) since Saturday afternoon. So we decided to head into the city by bus and enjoy a lazy afternoon walking through Central Park. Normally on long weekends like this the city is kind of dead and I enjoy the emptiness it allows. But not this year. I don't know if the threat of a tropical storm (former Hurricane Hermine) that got everyone out to enjoy this exceptionally nice day or what, but there were tons of people out and about in the park. We made our way over to the boat pond, past the fountain and up to check out the roller skaters nearby. Then the girls wanted to ride the carousel and we made our exit from the park and headed towards the west side. We stopped for dinner at a Turkish restaurant and the girls appetites were clearly back. It was a nice change of pace to be out of the house after 2 days of doing nothing. 
Then Sunday we had German's 5th birthday party to celebrate at Sunnyside Gardens Park. Nacho was up and out the door before sunrise so he missed the whole affair. But Joan and Jose still braved making a paella without him and the results were outstanding. Each time its been a hand wringing affair and this was no different but they really outdid themselves. OlĂ©! Bravo! After pizza and paella, it was time for the cake and the kids more than know the drill by now. There was lots of clamoring for position and the birthday boy snuck a few early licks off the cake of the bright blue frosting. And then it was time to sing in both English and Spanish. That's birthday heaven--blowing out the candles twice. So there you have it. Five has arrived. And I think it looks mighty sweet. 

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