Wednesday, September 21, 2016

September Steams Ahead

September is that month of transition that always confuses me a bit. With school back in session, I get more time to myself which is so sorely needed after a pretty busy summer at home with these girls. But it also takes some getting used to, as if I don't deserve it or they might just pop home unexpectedly that first week to test me.  Every day I have a world of possibilities and it can often feel like I'm squandering it on doing chores and getting my house back in order. But oh the house needs some order! Coming home from vacation in August I tried to remind myself I would be able to clean up and purge some of the clutter soon enough. Now I've got to make that actually happen.  I've also made a few small outings in the city--to the Diane Arbus exhibit at the Met Breuer, lunch at the new cafe Dawa's in Woodside, and to the Rockaways for one last beach day with frozen sangria--which helps me clear my head in a way that only time wandering can do. I feel like me again. And yes, it feels like fall is just around the corner, but with temperatures well into the 80s, it acts more like summer. Oh summer. I never appreciate you more than when you're gone. 
Momos from Dawa's did not disappoint
Ballet class has started again and Carolina is so thrilled to be with her besties
Nacho body surfing on our last trip to the Rockaways
Finally made it to 10 Below in Flushing for some rolled ice cream treats!
Elisa requested dumplings before we left Flushing so Nacho hooked her up
Papa's present from the Netherlands: wooden shoe magnets
Flicks in the Garden was a hit...even if they didn't watch the cartoons for more than 5 min
Having a trickling of work to keep me busy has also been a blessing. It feels like I was juggling things all summer with these girls home a lot, but now I'm able to jump in and enjoy my photo work. Having these quiet mornings to get situated and let myself ruminate on all that's going on in our lives is a real gift. And I know that. I know it also comes at a price--largely financial--and more and more, I find myself happy to pay it. We may not have a down payment saved or huge savings in the bank. But we have this life. This time together and this time to ourselves. And for me, that is really what I need and want. I don't know it it's just all this time to think, but I really love the fresh start September provides. And I'm happy to embrace the new routines. Life has taken yet another shape and it's one I can appreciate for exactly what it is. 

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