Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Photo A Day

At the beginning of the month I started a photo-a-day challenge on my photo blog to see how much I could push myself to keep my camera handy and also to experiment a bit with my editing.  So far, I've been somewhat limited by the cold snowy weather and lingering head cold to indoors and, truthfully, late night shooting. So the photos aren't a real revelation. But they are little glimpses of our life and for that I'm happy to have them. Making sure I have my "good" camera at my disposal more often is something I really need to practice in these quieter times--when we're just us at home being silly or serious. It reminds me of the photo blog I did with Maggie a few years ago and how much I enjoyed looking back at that year in photos. All the tiny moments added up to something really spectacular. And so, just for this month, I'm hoping to see the same results. Time will tell. 

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Yeah, what we see today may not feel significant but it adds up. If I enjoy looking back on stuff from years ago, it follows that I will want to look back on what I'm doing now. If I can only keep motivated!