Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fall freedom

Now that Elisa has found her groove with school, we are all starting to hit our stride and none more so than Carolina. Without big sister around during the day, she has total freedom and reign over their room and the toys within. Which might explain how well she plays by herself. I swear this kid is about as independent as it gets when it comes to entertaining herself. I know my mom always told me I was good at that and perhaps it's just a second kid thing. But really, it's such an improvement over Elisa's play-with-me-now-why-aren't-you-playing-with-me bullshit that it's almost like I'm alone in the morning. It's bliss.  And it makes being with Carolina such a different experience than raising Elisa at this age.   I remember thinking around 2 1/2 that life was finally getting more manageable with Elisa, but then there were her tantrums both loud and physical that could pummel my moods. With Carolina, there isn't such an emotional pendulum and therefore, my energy isn't constantly being zapped and in need of recharging. Yes, there are the usual battles over things--she wants me to get toys down or feed her "gummies" (aka gummy fruit snacks) at 9 a.m. or draw all over my couch--but it's so much easier to deal with when the biggest rebuke is her folding her arms and pouting for a few minutes.  She is definitely persistent and has a mean snarl when she's trying to get her way, but the crazy stamina Elisa displayed at that age just has not materialized.  I can finally exhale.  So, overall, I fully admit I am amazed and delighted with how things are going right now with only one kid at home all day.  It's as if I've been holding my breath for the past month and a half and it's just hit me that it's all falling into place.  And I'm trying to make the effort to reward all Carolina's patience with some fun outings like the Central Park Zoo or hanging with friends at the park. Yeah, Carolina's life is pretty sweet right now...and truth be told, mine is too.

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