Like most weekends when Nacho is home, we didn't want to over think our Saturday together too much. Most of our grocery and other shopping we can get done during the week when he has a day off, so yesterday was just about heading into the city for a little stroll. We started at Union Square's farmers market where the produce was still fresh and beckoning despite the cold temps. The squirrels were out in full force chomping away on hidden nuts and I enjoyed watching Elisa watch them frolic all over the place. I have to say that with the makeover of the park including the cool playground and welcome public restrooms, it's one of our favorite spots to start a walk or end up. The green market is also a solid reason to check it out, and I was happy to find a few things that we normally don't get in our neighborhood. Of course, it was in the 30s, so I immediately gravitated towards the signs for "HOT Apple cider." As Nacho commented, it was a better hand warmer than his leather gloves! Elisa still refuses to wear her mittens most of the time, and I admit, I've gotten use to leaving home without them. Not a good thing, but we're working on it. So she was wandering around most of the time, chomping on a honeycrisp apple (aren't they the best??) and worrying me with her little bright red fingers. But she did look cheerful didn't she?

After a little too much dancing and bumping into other shoppers, we decided to get Elisa into a store and let her warm up a bit. We followed that with a quick bite of falafel at an old favorite. Elisa has been a beast lately when it comes to sitting still to eat, but she was marginally better yesterday as long as she could squirm around on the bench seating. Her favorite thing to tell us is that she'll be "right back" as she proceeds to get down from her chair. And as much as I may chuckle at this, I can get pretty irritated after repeated attempts to get her seated fail to stick. So for now, it's better to eat and run which is what we did. Back on the train and almost home, Elisa's eyes began to flutter. Nacho and I were trying to keep her awake and engaged, but after a brief pause in our conversation, I looked down to realize she was a goner. Oh well. Home and a quick diaper change and she was in her crib. Of course, those pre-nap naps are the worst for making an easy transition. Elisa must have been quietly playing for a half hour before she started calling out for us. But after a bit of back and forth, she went down and finally slept for a good 2 hours. So all in all, a good Saturday and nice change of pace to be out walking in the city. There's a few more months of cold left before we'll feel the warmth of spring, so I better get used to it.
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