Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tis the season...sort of.

I just noticed the Christmas decorations are already up over Queens Blvd. which means it must be the beginning of the holiday season. Luckily, the temperatures have been very mild this fall and despite a few chilly days, we haven't really seen much bad weather. So this weekend, we went for another long walk around the city, taking in some neighborhoods we usually pass through too quickly. We ended up at Madison Square Park and later around Union Square and then south towards NYU and all the buzz of Washington Square Park. On our way, we had encounters with two different strangers which were both funny and odd. One was a photographer who stopped Nacho to inquire about his camera and lens and another, an older woman at the shoe store I went into. Both seemed to talk freely and have all the time in the world for us. I guess since having Elisa, I am more comfortable chatting with people in the city because it feels like we get into conversations all the time just based on her interactions with people. On the subway, we can hardly make it through a whole train ride without someone commenting on her or having to play peek-a-boo with happy onlookers. Seeing her bright smile and how much she loves to garner attention, I find this as no surprise. And I think Nacho mainly enjoys it for the "chick magnet" effect that fathers toting babies seem to elicit (sorry, I had to, honey). But in all, I guess it's been a slight adjustment to being the "mom" and watching Elisa engage in this environment and all it offers.
Whether at the park or on the train, Elisa likes to observe as much as interact and sometimes, she just chats away to herself (see photo below) as if she alone can understand the world.
Fortunately, sometimes we share a moment of understanding like when I know she's getting tired and scoop her up. There are times she does not fight this and actually sinks into my arms and lets herself just be.
Or when we go out to eat and she joins us at the table, making conversation and snacking the big kid she wants to be.
Oh, Elisa, I'm so excited to see you celebrate the holidays this year. It feels like everything is the "first" this year even though you were around last year (just not allowing anyone around you to fully function). Knowing that Nacho is off work on both Thanksgiving Day and Christmas has perhaps made it more festive too. With his constant travel and the back and forth I do with work, it's extra nice to know we will be home together this year to celebrate a wonderful time of year.


Unknown said...

I am lovin' the fresh, updated blog. Jim is working both holidays this year too...I agree it makes the time with the kid(s) extra special. ; )

Ann Price said...

thanks, Stace! I got bored last night and found myself searching for ways to waste time online...ah, yes, re-do the blog! I don't expect to have Nacho home many holidays, so this was a nice surprise. Hope you enjoy them nonetheless and post some more pics of those sweet kiddos on FB!