Sunday, July 30, 2017

Away We Go

July was just taking shape with the girls in camp at St. Sebastian's and lots of afternoons and weekends at the park when it was all about to change. Having only 8 weeks off for summer vacation means it gets sliced up with a week of rest here, a few weeks of camp there and then a little trip to Spain and that's about it. So as we finalized Nacho's August schedule mid-month, we had a better idea of just when we could leave to see his family. Sunday July 23rd was looking like the first day we could escape so a plan was hatched and it was up to me to get things ready that week with him traveling back on a red eye that morning. I'm a veteran traveler with kids by now, but it's always a little daunting to get everything laid out for packing. The night before our big travel day we were hanging out in the park, but at least the clothes were clean. Finishing up and getting out to JFK for an early evening flight went according to plan and with a few hours delay, we got to chill inside the airport a bit longer. But Carolina just used that time to practice her gymnastics and I was able to grill Nacho a little more about my last minute idea to join him on his two back-to-back Paris overnights in August. That part of our plan wasn't firmed up until we were literally at the gate waiting for our Madrid flight and I started looking at cheap flights and discount hotel rooms. But when I found both, it seemed that maybe this could all work out. He would have to return to NYC to work by the 10th, but I could leave the girls in Madrid for a few nights and join him in Paris. Our time away from the girls hasn't happened the past few summers, so perhaps I was desperate to sneak it in. And having an excuse such as a paid hotel in Paris was all I needed. Oh yes, I would be crashing that trip, but first, we needed to make it to Spain....
Unfortunately for Carolina, this would be her last overseas trip as a five year old which meant still no first class bed for her. She took it like a champ and Elisa was bouncing off the walls when we found out we had space in the "comfortable" chairs. We boarded up and met again when we touched down in Madrid. Not a bad flight over in all honesty and probably the first time I've actually slept on a plane in years. I didn't get much shut eye, but I was comfy and as rested as possible touching down. We took a cab to Aluche and stopped in to see Kiki and Merche and pick up her car before heading off to Encinar. The girls were pumped to grab a little breakfast and see cousin Paula before making their way to the pool later in the day. The rest of the cousins came over and we gifted them a giant poop emoji pool float which was a big hit. A few restful days later we made it to a restaurant at El Lago in Madrid for lunch to celebrate Pauli's birthday. The kids were happy to hang out in the park and play a bit as lunch dragged on.  Ah yes, we were acclimating to Spanish time again and all things in due course seemed to be the theme. Thankfully there was a lot of swimming to be had, and eating things they aren't always keen on. But somehow the path to relaxing and feeding them is much easier these days. They are able to get by just fine in Papa's homeland and that's a good thing. We'll be here awhile!

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