Tuesday, January 10, 2017

So Much Cake

January starting usually makes me feel like I need to go on a fast to recover from the unencumbered binge eating of the holidays. My jeans are screaming in pain and I am too. But then I remember I have the Three Kings Day and my birthday coming up so soon and I figure why start now? I can do this. I have room for more cake. It also helped that the first real snow fell and left me feeling like sitting inside and eating all day. What is it about winter and carbs that just go together so well? This year we made our round trip to Corona's Tulcingo Bakery the day before the Three Kings and asked a few other families if they also needed a cake.  We ended up getting a total of five of them and making pitstops to bring them around which just added to the merriment. The girls helped Nacho write out a letter to the Kings asking them some questions. And then it started snowing and it really felt like a holiday. The next morning they had a few gifts to open before school and they were so excited. Hard to get them out the door, but worth every minute. 
By the end of the weekend, we were back to celebrating the Three Kings again only this time at the home of Joan and Pepe who had a French style cake with almond that was absolutely divine. The hot cocoa in beautiful cups and saucers only added to the charm. What a fun afternoon eating ourselves silly!
And then it was time for my birthday. 42. Another year older and probably not much wiser. But I do feel like this time has been a kind of rediscovery of some of my youthful idealism. It's a strange reaction to losing the election, I suppose. But I feel like we have to fight back and overcome this era of bigotry and fear with something far more powerful. And the only way I know how to do that is to appeal to the tenets of feminism and socialism that so intrigued and inspired me in college. So maybe that's why everything 90s is in again. It's time to revisit that decade and launch something nationally that will wake things up. At least that's my hope. And personally, I feel like I'm ready for a bit of a rebirth. Our family has finally settled into a good place again and I want to enjoy it all. More travels, more time for each other and yes, more cake.

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