Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Week in Review

The week started with a sick visit to our pediatricians in the city. Nothing like trying to shake the sore throat, sometimes pukey, low fever blues. Apparently no strep though, so that was a good sign. And a little walk through the park and lunch at Schnipper's (Shake Shack is still closed--BOO!) was just what we all needed. 
The evenings at SGP have begun again and it's such a refreshing change of pace. Love that it's not getting dark til 8pm. And yet, it also means that the after school vibe is decidedly less about homework and dinner and much more relaxed to the point of forgetting it's a school night. Oops. But really, all this Vitamin D has to be good for us, right? 
I finally made it to my NYC ID appointment on Water Street in Lower Manhattan and was rewarded with a blindingly gorgeous spring morning and deluxe views. It's always nice to have those little moments to remember why I fell in love with this city in the first place. And I took advantage of the long wait time to sit and think and of course make a new friend with a 50 something Colombian man who talked of his parents dying recently and his immigration woes. Everyone here has a story. You just have to ask. 
And finally, the week ended with lots more park time and a quick weekend drive to NJ where Nacho hung with the girls while I had a photo shoot. So far, May has been my busiest month of 2015 with lots of communion shoots on the horizon. It's nice to be feeling like life is moving again and we just found out that Nacho will start training for his new job on the 18th. So woo hoo! We're off and running and this gorgeous weather is making it all feel like summer is coming fast. 

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