Friday, May 8, 2015

May days

May is here and wow, what a difference it's made. Temperatures have gone up crazy fast (80s!!) and we have had lots of afternoons and evenings at the park already. Add to that a few playdates (one carefully arranged by Noah and Carolina at preschool) and Elisa's field day at AOC and it's been a busy week. By the end of it, I was ready to hang out with birthday girl Jenny McTaggart for a nice catch up morning in the city. We'd decided a while ago we wanted to hit the Hiphop Revolution photographic exhibit at the Museum of the City of New York and Friday proved to be the right day for it. The sun was out and we met up on the 7 train into the city which gave us plenty of time to catch up on life and all the stuff we're both doing. We rounded out the visit with a beautiful picnic lunch inside the Conservatory Garden in CP at 105th and Fifth Ave and a quick pitstop at Dough Loco to grab iced coffees and some dessert. And by the time I got home, took a little catnap and woke, it was time to pick up Elisa and head to SGP for a casual evening under the trees. Yes, the city is starting to warm up and with it, our social lives. Yay May!

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