Thursday, September 26, 2013

Peaceful shores

Just checking in during our beach week in North Carolina to say that all is going well. I really wasn't sure how we'd be able to pull off our annual trip to Emerald Isle, NC with Elisa just starting Kindergarten. But when I spoke to her teacher at Curriculum Night last week and told her we were heading this way she said "family is so important." I couldn't agree more, especially this year.  Nacho was able to get 5 days in a row off with a little maneuvering his schedule and so here we are enjoying some rest and relaxation together as a family.  And it's been so much easier than last year when it felt like all I wanted to do was relax and I had two kids on very different schedules who wouldn't give me a moment's peace. The girls have been playing (and okay, fighting) and mostly leaving me alone whether they are inside enjoying all the Little People my parents brought out to the house or down on the beach digging and splashing in the waves. It's finally starting to feel like their ages are meshing better and they can entertain each other without much interference. Yesterday we even left them happily coloring and watching cartoons in the house while Nacho and I headed down to the beach--something I wouldn't have dreamed of even a few months ago.  (For the record, they were both tired of the beach).  

And I guess the icing on this whole glorious cake is that they are finally sleeping in the same bed together. It's a Christmas miracle come early. Seriously, I have been biding my time for the right occasion and when I saw the layout of their room (a queen and one twin), it dawned on me that maybe I didn't need the pack-n-play afterall. The first night was kind of a disaster with Carolina squirming around until we had to throw her butt in the crib. But after napping in the big bed alongside Nacho, she was able to transition to sleeping in it with Elisa at night. And today they are napping together in my king-sized bed. It's such a beautiful thing to see. And it makes me feel like life has taken yet another great leap forward.  Because let's face it, when sleep gets easier, everything gets better.  That distant future where I could see myself hanging out with adults instead of tending to these (adorable) but needy little souls and enjoying vacation like I used to is almost here. And it's been worth the wait. 

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