Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mi casa es su casa...

As many who know my family would say, there is a common enough expression that suits us well with visitors..."mi casa es su casa." It's something my grandparents always liked to say and it fits our life with Elisa particularly well considering that Spanish is almost as prevalent as English in our household. This month we are fortunate enough to have two visitors from Spain--Abuela and Tia Kiki. Both have been to see us before, but many months ago when Elisa was just a tiny thing and barely able to open her eyes long enough to look around and cry. Having them here now is an extra blessing because I've just started back to work. After one week with my mom here helping out, and now 4 more with abuela, we are glad to have family that love us enough to travel all this way. Here are a few photos from our first week together. Enjoy!

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