This week has been a cool lesson in what happens when you see into the future. Having Taylor, a 17 year old, around makes me eager to share the sights and sounds of the big city with her as if I were a teenager again. But of course, I'm not. I'm a heavily pregnant 36 year old with a preschooler who still naps. Oh, yes, the joys of being housebound every day so you might eek out some peace and quiet and get a cranky girl to rest. Even when I attempt to forgo the nap, Elisa proves it's difficult to go an afternoon without one. Case in point, we went into the city the other day around noon and headed to Union Square for some park time and lunch. Having accomplished both those goals, we started walking towards Washington Square Park for a little more people watching and that's when things got dicey. Elisa played for a bit on the newly improved playground before we headed to the fountain to sit. She wanted to climb in herself (a big no-no obviously), and the answer didn't set well with her. After flailing and screaming on the ground for a bit, we got her to calm down. But I could tell where this was heading. We were not going to have a good time hanging out in the city much longer if she wouldn't fall asleep. And knowing past performances in the stroller, there's no good way to predict when she will do that. So we made our way back home. And then I let Taylor go back into Central Park by herself--a big step in her self-guided touring of NYC, but you have to start somewhere...

It's easy enough to look at this young woman and see shades of myself and my own desire to travel and take off at the same age. I ventured to Europe alone at the age of 19 and made a nearly 3 month trek (with pit stops at friends' houses in Germany and Italy) without so much as consulting my parents. They trusted me and I suppose I had earned it. Who knows why, really, but I am sometimes amazed that they just turned me loose like that. Was I prepared? Can anything prepare you for your first trip abroad or to new and unknown territory? Much like Taylor's mom, Christi, my parents had never been to those places before, so the phone calls home were filled with lots of descriptions and assurances that I was being safe. And in truth, I think that's all a parent can ask for. I hope I will be that parent someday when it's my turn to let Elisa wander off into the great big world without me. It's so much easier to do with a girl who I barely know but who I can see is bursting for the chance to be her own person. Taylor is full of the confidence that only a teenager has and there's something so wonderful about seeing that and remembering that I too was the same way. I didn't get to New York City for the first time until I was 25 and I still remember feeling like I'd stepped into a movie set. It's that much fun and it's still a place I'm confident will return the enthusiasm of its travelers. So off she goes while we rest. Two girls and one city that embraces them both.
re: naps, your perspective may change when #2 arrives. you won't want Elisa droping her afternoon nap anytime soon! I consider us lucky that G still takes one at almost age 4, but I'm sure she's gonna decide to drop it just when I'm dealing with a new addition - ack!
Anyway, enjoy your relative freedom for the next 6 months or so while baby's still portable...(for me, anyway, that was when we became housebound twice a day for naps again).
To each his own, though. I've always favored the down time of naps over the freedom of not having them, so yeah, I guess the price to pay for that is that there's no way in hell the girls would ever fall asleep in a stroller anymore -- much too exciting/stimulating for them. I think others prefer the freedom over the downtime, and the price to pay there may be more meltdowns.
Glad you're having fun playing hostess to your fabulous city - I'm sure she's loving it!
Thanks, Kate. Yes, the nap thing is a bit love/hate at this point. There are so many days I count my blessings that this girl still naps almost 2 hours a day. But other days, it's just a pain to coordinate schedules and get out of the apartment early enough to make use of the day, before schlepping home. She will eventually pass out in the stroller but only after it gets ugly. I suppose with #2, I'll be wearing her a bit more as we head out and about and like you said, enforcing naps a bit more later on. Can't wait to hear how this all works for you with 3!! Keep me posted!
I have this feeling that how it works out with #3 is that poor #3 is going to get dragged around a LOT more than our first two kids did (at least eventually). Actually that thought just sorta dawned on me recently, that duh, if #3 were to keep consistently napping until he/she's 4 years old, that Georgia will be 8 then! So yeah, I think #3's gonna have to go with the flow, whereas Georgia was "by the book" so to speak. ha!
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