Saturday, April 18, 2009

Family Portrait

Since we have been struggling with the question of whether or not to upgrade to a 2 bedroom apartment, I thought it would be wise to enjoy the last few months of our cheap rent and buy the big toy Nacho's been wanting: a macbook (I think that's "mactalk" for laptop). Of course, like all kids, he's been playing with it and discovering new tricks.  The photos above are from the photobooth option he showed me the other morning as I was heading out the door to work (which may explain why I am the only one who looks somewhat awake here).

As I write this I must also confess that we are still very perplexed about the whole concept of real estate in New York City. The desire for more space and a real bedroom for our daughter is a strong counterpoint to the twinge of prudent greed about our insanely affordable, spacious 1 bedroom.  In some alternate universe I hear myself say that I live in a 1 bedroom apartment with my husband and child and wonder why I think that's normal.  I was born into a 3 bedroom house in a nice, middle-class suburb of Kansas City, MO with a large yard, swing set and more room to explore than a kid could possibly appreciate. It was a wonderful way to grow up.   I have great memories of riding my bike around unfettered or playing hide and go seek late into the summer night or walking our dogs all around the neighborhood with other friends when I could barely tie my own shoes.  Now I scoff at the 'burbs as those boring places where other people live.  

I have come to value the things this city can offer with its diversity, its beautiful parks, great museums and the promise of something new on every block.   But while I know how to live here as an independent, adult woman, I'm still coming to terms with living here as a mother.  And more than ever, the question of where to live in New York--which neighborhood, what school district, which subway stop--feels like the eternal, unanswerable question. When we moved here 4 years ago from Philadelphia we were taking a big jump into the unknown, but still I knew we could handle anything that happened. Nacho and I have always been a good team that way.  How we lucked into this apartment, this wonderful neighborhood, I'll never fully understand. It was, and is, a great discovery--a home. And this is why it's so difficult to contemplate a move anywhere else in the city. What I want most of all is to be able to stay put and build on the feeling that makes Sunnyside so special--it is a true community hidden away in a big city. Even with my big backyard, I never got that as a kid. If Elisa can forgive me for another year, she might just realize someday that having her own room wasn't so important anyway.

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