Sunday, November 25, 2018

Back and Forth

The feeling of being between two worlds continues as we navigate these last few weeks of November. Carolina had her first Saturday rehearsal for the Nutcracker to attend and we also needed to clear out the apartment so off we went last Saturday. The trip over was relatively short and easy, and making it back in time to grab some lunch for the girls before Nacho took the car for servicing felt like a double win. The strangest part was how much it felt like we'd been gone for weeks already. How could it be that we just moved this month? I wanted to feel nostalgic for the place we called home for over a decade, but instead, I just felt done. So very, very done. Whatever romance I held for the city and for our journey through it, I was over it now. We were moving onwards and upwards and I couldn't wait to be free of that place in so many ways. Friends, of course, were another story. 
Friends were the reason we came back twice in one weekend with visits to celebrate Jose's birthday on Saturday 

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