Monday, January 1, 2018


New Year's Eve 2017/18 was definitely one of the livelier ones in recent years. I wasn't sure what to do this year in fact, but after hearing that Irene and José would be out of town, I thought perhaps it was time to shake things up. We've hosted or spent the last few NYEs with them and Carmen and a few others always celebrated with the kids. I often find that New Year's is a better night for staying close to home and not expecting much in terms of excitement so it's worked out well. But this year I was ready for something else. And with my parents here I thought what perfect built-in babysitters. Fast forward a few weeks and it turned out Nacho was scheduled for a last minute trip over the New Year. Since his IOE trip before Christmas got cut short due to the captain's wife's illness, we were expecting something to change. But still, I was hoping he'd be off for New Year's Eve--a true holiday trifecta since he had Thanksgiving and Christmas Day this year. But it wasn't to be. So I took that as my cue to celebrate with friends for most of the evening and come back home to ring in midnight and the ball drop with family. I made my way over to Tania's a little before 8p.m. to find a huge spread of food and all the cocktails and champagne I could want. The photo booth upstairs was a great place to kick off the evening and I was happy to spend some chill time with these Playgroup ladies who I've known for 9 going on 10 years already. What a decade it's been! 
The plan to split my time on this special night worked out beautifully and I think a good time was had by all. The girls hung out with Grandma and Grandpa and I had a pizza delivered to make it easy on everybody. They asked several times if I was going to make it home in time and of course I did. I raced back by about 11:45pm and pulled out the champagne flutes in time to pour some kid wine and some real cava for our midnight toast. A quick text to Olive and she decided to join us since she was home alone. At the stroke of 12 we were firing off the canisters of dollar store confetti and the girls erupted into screams of joy. What a fun night all around.  So cheers to another year of friendship and family and making the best out of every day. That's really all I can do. And I'm getting pretty good at it.

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