Sunday, October 8, 2017

Oktoberfest Reborn!

After a two year hiatus, Oktoberfest at Sunnyside Gardens Park was BACK! And I was so happy to see it. I could write a whole other post on what has transpired to make this year extra special, but suffice it to say the turnaround at the park has been a big part of it. We were having this festival come hell or high water! And boy, did we luck out with almost stifling heat for an October day. The humidity levels were definitely more reminiscent of summer. Kate and her fraulein crew put on a great event and the beer was flowing! My girls grabbed some mini pumpkins early and painted them up. Unfortunately, Carolina's got swiped by the end of the day--perhaps it was too pretty, we reckoned--but that was the only downer on an otherwise brilliant day. The girls bounced and climbed, ate and played. They bought slime and squishy toys from the craft fair and all the while enjoyed their friends in the park. Nacho landed that afternoon and managed to make it over to enjoy a few beers before things wrapped up. And we even saw Olive who came to visit some craft vendor friends. I finally got my wish of seeing a polka band play at this event and the wait was worth it. The Apple Strudel Gang certainly wasn't much to look at, but they revved up the beer hall atmosphere a few notches. Well done all around and I have to say, I know these events are a lot of hard work, but they really pull our community together. And after two years of missing out, this was much needed. So danke schön!

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