Monday, August 29, 2016

Roller Fest '16

How brave are these guys?? I mean, when I put out the call for a rollerskating birthday party, I could only hope that some of the parents would boot up too. The girls both received new roller skates for their birthdays and so the idea of combining their newfound love of skating with their celebration just made sense. Of course, I wasn't sure how many other kids had skated before so I needed a place that might be easy for the younger or skating-averse crowd.  But really, this whole idea of skating in the city turned out better than I could have hoped. It wasn't the 26-kid extravaganza that I originally envisioned since so many were away on vacations. But sometimes smaller is better. And we definitely had fun with our friends at Pier 2 roller rink in Brooklyn Bridge Park. I'm still so impressed by how little falling there was. Good job team!

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