Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Back to School!

Man, this is different the second time around. The first time I had a kid start Kindergarten, I was a hot mess. There were tears shed and a few little flutters of anxiety watching her shove off for the first time. But with Carolina, things were different. Like so much that she does, this transition to the big first day was a breeze. Yes, it helped that she was in pre-K full day last year (as opposed to the 2.5 hours Elisa had), and she'd already gotten used to some of the routines from watching her big sis walk the halls at AOC. But really, it was also true that she just rolled with it in a different way. The only hiccup being her summer cold that struck after our big roller skating party on Sunday. She had a slight fever that night, only to wake up happy and hungry on Monday morning. We made it to meet the teachers that afternoon and all seemed on track for her first day of Kindergarten and Elisa's first day of 3rd grade. But then the fever returned and we were saying goodbye to only one child on the first day of school. What the hell? 
So happy to see these three amigos from AMB in the same class!
These 3rd graders know what's up
After our meet the teacher blitz, some ice cream in Astoria
Sick day starting K! :(
But her 2nd first day was a success
I shoved her into the building a little after 9 a.m and she needed no hand holding
Finally a synchronized drop off on our third day. I think this is going to work out just fine. Yes, having two kids together in the same school is feeling like a huge accomplishment. And I suppose after waiting 8 years for this reality it is! I'll take it. Hopefully these two will be each other's support in all those little schoolyard interactions. That they are only down the hall from each other is kind of cute. My big girl and her little sis just starting out. Going to miss their faces every day, all day, but I think I'll adjust. Oh yes, September is my favorite month for so many reasons. 

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