Sunday, August 21, 2016

Birthdays Abound

August and birthdays go together like summer and vacation. There's a lot of them and they all seem to pile up around here. Once we get done with the hurdles of our two girls, there are friends galore to celebrate. So it was great to get our time alone in the city with our two birthday girls on Elisa's special day. And then just a few days later, we were over at Carmen's ringing in Leonardo's birthday on the 20th with a relaxing family meal. In between, we had lots of beautiful summery days to fill and with Adam's visit, there was time for a few more outings--to test drive Pier 2's roller rink--and good meals--at John Brown's in LIC. Yes, this summer might be winding down, but it's definitely not over. 
Watching these kids ring in their 8th year was equal parts amusing and mind-blowing. I really can't believe we're in the upper single digits. How? How did these little 5 and 6 month olds turn into real, grown-ass kids? So much attitude and yet as Elisa likes to explain, she's still "just a kid!" Right. It's that contradiction I'm so amazed by. At times I think that she's been like this all along and then I remember the cherub-cheeked little girl who used to bewilder me with her crazy napping and tantrums. I've traded that in for sassy back talk and teenage-like eye rolls. Yes, she's all grown up but not as much as she'd like to think. And Leonardo is much the same. There is so much drama with these two that Carmen and I never tire of discussing them and their confounding ways. So it's nice that for one day of the year at least we can celebrate them in all their glory. Eight was a lot of fun. 

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