Saturday, November 8, 2014

Progress report

Three years ago this month I received Elisa's very first school photo. I also had my first teacher's conference for her at Amazing Magic Beans which gave me a glimpse of the complex girl she was becoming.  It all seemed so monumental and important as if these milestones were going to make me understand my little girl better. In hindsight, I already knew her and these reports only confirmed that.  So when it came time this fall for Carolina to have her first school photos (also at AMB) and to be assessed in her first progress report, I didn't give it much thought. I knew what I would see and hear.  Carolina is a confident, chatty and very engaged little girl and she loves school. The report I received yesterday highlights all of that and more. It reads:

Carolina is confident in navigating where she wants to go in the classroom, she communicates with her peers and adults in school with confidence. She is interested in books and reading and discovering what happens in the end of the book. She is curious and asks questions about what might or will happen in the story if she is familiar with it. Carolina is interested in counting, she participates in our counting songs and activities.  She participates in songs that direct her body in different movements. She asks questions about her environment and she explores nature. She collects leaves, and she goes searching for little bugs and animals with her classmates. Carolina participates in role-playing games with her classmates.  She plays different roles in these games, such as Princess or Mommy or even the baby.  She communicates well with the children she is playing with and she is aware of where she is and what games or activities she is involved in at the moment. Carolina moves with control and balance, she jumps and runs and hops. 

It was a great report and summarized pretty much everything we see with Carolina at the park and in other social situations. She is a sweet, playful girl and I was sure that would translate to her school setting.  But mostly it was the look on her teacher's face when he described his interactions with her that made me feel like this girl is such a good egg. Mr. Al was all smiles when talking about Carolina and how she kindly asked him one morning to show her where her name was on the coat hooks.  And Ms. Lila agreed with me that we're way past ready to ditch the pull ups and go full steam ahead with underwear at school. We've been doing that at home more recently, with mostly good results. So yeah, we'll see how it goes this week. And in the meantime, I'm very happy to know she loves school as much as any 3 year old could. That's all I could hope for. 

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