Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Thankfully after Sunday's downright frigid temps, November has warmed back up and we've enjoyed a few sensationally balmy days. Election Day on Tuesday was so bright and warm that Nacho and I couldn't resist a quick morning coffee date in LIC after voting together. We're definitely getting spoiled about having him home lately. It's been two weeks since he's been called for a trip and I think there's a part of him that loves having the downtime after all the training. He's working on growing a beard in the meantime which I'm not so crazy about. But who knows, maybe by the time he has to shave it I'll be sad. Doubtful though.  Of course, the pay cut we're experiencing with all these changes is another issue, and I'm doing my best to control spending while we're in austerity mode. But coffee and a walk on the waterfront are about as cheap as it gets when it comes to a date. So we'll stick with that for now. And all this free time means I've also been able to help out at Elisa's school for things like her field trip and picture day. Taking Carolina to the park after preschool might not happen all winter long, but for now it's still a pretty common occurrence. Hopefully November will give me some nice weekends too since I have lots of family photo shoots coming up (yay! more income!). Yes, I'm gearing up for a busy month and feeling the dwindling of fall at the same time. My favorite season is speeding ahead and I'm trying to enjoy the ride. 

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