Thursday, May 15, 2014

Little mermaid

Tonight marked our third private swim lesson with a great coach at St. Sebastian's Parish Center. Michael Jackson (no lie) is an older gentleman with a clear zest for teaching who loves to see kids take to water and really plays with them until they relent. So far it seems to be working magic on Elisa who no doubt loves the water, but has no desire to get her face in it.  His slapstick humor and been-there-done-that attitude helps ensure that Elisa isn't getting away with anything. Seeing her progress in just the last few weeks has been amazing. She's blowing bubbles, floating on her back, trying out new strokes and almost--almost--sticking her face in the water. Just not for long. But I have no doubt that if we stick with this for a bit longer, she will. And once she's gone under...well, there's no telling when she'll come up. 

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