Saturday, May 24, 2014

Going to the fair

If Memorial Day Weekend is truly the beginning of summer, then consider it started. Somehow this whole thing snuck up on me after a dreadful winter and almost forgotten spring. But I'm willing to let that pass. As long as this warmer weather stays and doesn't get too hot too soon *yeah, right* all will be forgiven. So we waited out the week of sunshine only to be met with rain and thunder on Friday and into early Saturday morning. But thankfully, the clouds lifted and we made it out to SGP for a day filled with bouncy houses, cotton candy and lots of time with friends. The crowds weren't too bad, perhaps because of the threat of more showers, which meant the girls were mostly free to run around almost like any other park day.  Elisa helped shepherd her little sis around the field from one attraction to another, and I was happy to see how much Carolina loved it all. She's a much more adventurous 2 year old than Elisa ever was. And after only a slight hesitation on one of the bouncy slides, she was off and running and doing loops on that thing (with the attendant barely noticing she'd slipped in again after skipping the line--oops!). Yes, they were in their element...
Unfortunately, we couldn't stay all day at the fair because Nacho's home soccer team, Atletico Madrid, was playing crosstown rivals Real Madrid in the Champions League Final that afternoon. I hemmed and hawed about whether or not I would volunteer for the park or go watch the game. And in the end, I made the right decision. I needed to be there for moral support especially when they lost out in overtime. Yes, it wasn't the ending we had hoped for, but it was very Atleti to lose with such sadness. Oh well. Another year, perhaps? The girls played and danced and entertained a few friends while we watched the game and tried to wish ourselves to a victory. And yes, the rain returned late in the afternoon for a quick downpour before clearing up for the evening. It was an eventful day for many reasons, but mostly because it meant this long weekend had started. Bring on the rest!

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