Friday, August 25, 2017

Squeezing Out Summer

No matter what we do each August, the summer seems to ramp up and before I know it, we're in a rush to squeeze out all the goodness that it still has to offer. Sleeping in. Hitting the beach. Hanging with friends. So this last full week before school starts we were in a mood to do it all. First, we feted Leonardo's 9th birthday with an ice cream cake at his place and lots of smiles catching up after his adventures in Toronto and ours in Spain. Then we were off to Fire Island to chill beach-side with some of our Sunnyside gang for the second year in a row. It's such a beautiful little speck of land off the coast of Long Island and this time around, we knew the drill better. We made it to the ferry without all the hubbub and waited for a little bit before catching the 11am boat. In no time we were docking in Ocean Beach greeted by Chris who took us back to the house for a little lunch before beach time. The kids waited patiently for a few hours playing on the beach before they could climb the lifeguard tower and jump once the guards finished for the day. I was pretty sure Carolina gave herself whiplash with her knee buckling head snap, but since everyone kept laughing and jumping who was I to stop them? Another great dinner at Casa Sweetman-Furlong and then it was off for a twilight bike ride through the paths. We returned with enough time to round up the kids and go for ice cream just before the ferry ride back. Another great summer day in the books. 
Summer in the city continued for another week of sweaty days and beautiful sunsets...
We might not have many days left before school starts, but there was time to squeeze in a sleep over and let me and Elisa hit the coffee shop together. My big girl is such a little foodie these days and I love watching her try new things. She loved the green juice at the new Brookside Market and I got my egg sandwich on again. The Great Wall of Savas along 43rd Street had some wonderful new artwork up and we stopped to admire it. The city is really alive in the summer and taking it all in is the best way to prove you were here. 

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