Sunday, August 27, 2017

Emoji Karaoke Party

Since we were away for the first half of August, planning a party for both of my birthday girls would have to wait until we were back, hopefully rested and surrounded by friends...which meant almost the end of the month! Coordinating that with Nacho's schedule was yet another part of the puzzle so once I had the Saturday free for all of us, I booked a few tables at the park and started to think about what kind of invitation and theme to go for. This was still before our trip to Spain so while I had some time to spare, the fact that we wouldn't be back here until about 10 days before the party meant I needed to get on things ASAP. Elisa was really excited about the new Emoji movie (*gag*) and wanted to do something with emojis and both girls had been excited about the impromptu karaoke at the Out of School BBQ. Suddenly I had the goodie bag swag started and an idea to get them their own karaoke machine for a joint present. So emoji karaoke was born and why not? Throw in some poop cupcakes and balloons and we would be laughing--or winking or crying--all afternoon long.
And just like real poop, all of the cupcakes looked different 
Carmen and Leonardo surprised the girls with two goldfish--our first pets!
The karaoke portion of the party was short-lived but intense!
The waiting game...
Last year I couldn't really imagine having the girls' party in the park with everything that had transpired so I jumped at the chance to host it at another venue. We rollerskated in Brooklyn and it was fun to try something new and see just a few close friends join in the fray. But this year, I was ready to have a PARTY! And that we did. And since we enjoy the families we invite so much, it's actually as much of a celebration for us as a birthday party for the girls. And since Nacho was working most of the week leading up to the big day (and landing Saturday morning on a red eye no less), it was up to me to nail down all the little details for the event. But that's half the fun for me, so the ice cream cake edible decoration was designed and emailed to Carvel, Elisa utilized some one-on-one time with me while Carolina attended a sleepover to help me shop at Party City and the girls both pitched in and assembled goodie bags a few days before. We could do this. And we did. What really struck me this year was just how relaxed I felt doing it all. I suppose after nine years of parenting, I'm maybe getting the hang of this stuff. And who knows how much longer I will get away with a combined party for all of their friends. But for now, we are lucky to really that's what they want too (even if Carolina did change her mind and want a Shopkins theme--too late, kid). My girls leaned in and blew out their candles like pros. And that made this momma happy. Especially when they collapsed into bed (but not until they posed in their new Hello Kitty eye masks) and slept off their party hangover well into the next day. Success!

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