Sunday, June 23, 2013

Father's Day Campout

Last weekend while I was off enjoying myself in Kansas City at my 20th year high school reunion, I missed out on a Father's Day tradition in the neighborhood--the camp out at Sunnyside Gardens Park. This was Nacho's first year attending and from the looks of it, a good time was had by all. Although, to be clear, he did not actually camp overnight. The park allowed for members to hang out during the evening for the barbecue, s'mores and campfire activities and leave before the campers settled into their tents for the rest of the night.  Basically, enjoying the campout without the "camping" which was right up Nacho's alley. He got to socialize with many of the dads he enjoys from our playgroup and park community, and the girls enjoyed marshmallows and hot dogs and running around in the summer evening. So while I was worried he might be overwhelmed a whole weekend without me, things couldn't have been further from the truth. From the pics he snapped, it looks like he had it all under control and managed to enjoy himself a bit too. I joked that my Father's Day present for him this year was enough quality time alone with his girls to last the rest of the year.  But in truth, it felt more like a Mother's Day weekend as I traveled alone and caught up with friends I hadn't seen in years. I love that he didn't begrudge me that time away, and that he is capable and confident enough to tackle solo parenting and make it look fun.  And I'm pretty sure next year, Elisa will insist on sleeping over. Maybe I'll buy him a tent for Father's Day next June. Just an idea.

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