Sunday, February 12, 2017

Staying Sane

Every day lately I wake up and check my Facebook feed for news and instead of the usual mix of family photos and quirky Buzzfeed links, I'm overwhelmed by the farce that is our current administration and their fascist hijinks. So yeah, a not even a month into this mess and it's starting to take its toll. The cabinet confirmations are insane. The fact that a known anti-Semite, white nationalist is sitting on the Security Council is just beyond. I don't think you ever really appreciate something until it's gone. So yeah. Barack Obama, I fucking love you, man. Miss you like a bitch too. It really shouldn't be necessary to call our Congressional reps every single day. But that's where we are. And it is exhausting. So to alleviate the stress of feeling like my basic way of life is at stake, I'm into exploring whatever brings happiness whether it's printing out My Little Pony coloring pages or baking the shit out of some mixed berries for the most delicious winter crumble. It's all good. It's got to be. 
Celebrating a birthday night out with these ladies helped cheer me up for sure!
Field trip to BAM to see a Spanish acrobatic theatre trio was a highlight of the month
Exploring the city and trying a new Vietnamese place (Madame Vo) 
More than ever, it's been the camaraderie of our friends and neighbors that have helped me keep my grip on reality. I wouldn't say I'm prone to depression by any means, but in the middle of winter, I think we're all feeling a bit blah. Add to that the political uncertainty and upheaval going on at the moment and the effects are downright numbing. I think I've gained 10 lbs since November just eating my stress and anxiety away. So it helps to turn to group activities that involve more than just sitting by myself sipping tea to perk up our winter lives. After catching the new Lego Batman movie the other night, I offered to host a game night for some playgroup peeps and Monica and Kristin joined in with Carmen to liven things up. We played Apples to Apples mostly on our own and the kids ate and watched a movie. And then towards the end, they showed a little more interest and came around to help us finish the night. It was fun to band together and share a lighthearted evening forgetting about all the world's problems. Sometimes I think sanity requires a healthy dose of laughter and there was plenty of that. Let's hope we keep it up!


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